Mary Gorrety Odeng sells African fabrics in Pamba Market. She is also a tailoring student and possess one sewing machine she purchased a few months ago. Gorrety started selling African fabrics one year ago after she gave up the job of Operating her father’s shop back in the village. She needed to start up a business that suited her dreams and passion. For Gorrety, fashion and design has always been her dream career and so she started walking this journey by setting up an African fabric shop. Starting this business was not as easy especially because she did not have support from any of her parents however, with focus and determination, Gorrety has raised her business to what it is today. When she joined the kyusa program, she was excited about expounding on her business skills in order to grow her business..

In her own words…
“What stood out for me in the kyusa training was the importance of having my business registered. I always imagined that registering my business was another scum by government to extort business people of their money. Little did I know it was to the benefit of the entrepreneurs, no wonder most of us have been missing out on the access opportunities for loans, tenders, and other investment opportunities. The kyusa training has been an eye opener for me and I intend to begin my business registration process in a months’ time. I appreciate the founders and facilitators for the empowerment”

We believe that an empowered woman is an empowered generation. When we create opportunities for women to thrive, we build bridges for future generations; we help break the cycle of generational poverty. Women like Gorrety need to be supported to thrive so they can bear testament for themselves and their fellow women that their dreams are valid and that they have potential that can be explored to thrive.
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