Single mother aspires to scale


Judith is a businesswoman dealing in odi business within Tororo town opposite Tororo Municipal Council offices in Tororo District. She began her Odi business way back in 2019. When approached about the Kyusa program, she welcomed the idea and showed interest in learning/ getting more knowledge about business plus ICT. She was having challenges with her business, especially on how to reach out to her customers easily meaning she had a low customer base, she had difficulties in marketing her products since she was doing a home-based business as well as delivering her products using the door-to-door approach. Through the training her mind has been opened to the vast opportunities she can explore by simply fine-tuning a few things in her business.

In her own words…

I am Ateng Judith doing business of processing odi product. I am thankful to Kyusa for helping me because I was doing business in a blind way with no idea of how to grow or scale it. Even a simple concept like labeling my products had eluded me but after attending the training with Kyusa team where they taught me the importance of having the label and the business name on my product right now the tins are looking beautiful.

Another thing was the way to reach my customers and having a business whats up account where I post my business on the status so all my customers are in a position to view and be updated on what is available and they always order online.

Kyusa also taught me to ensure my business is registered for easy advertisement which I did and right now I have my business registered with URA in the name of Ever best quality Enterprise ‘where quality matters’ and this has raised my customer’s trust in the products and they can easily identify my products.

Kyusa training has also made me have a vision for my business that I never had before but after the training, now I have developed a vision for my business and in five year’s time from now I want to be far with my business by having a registered stamp from the Uganda national bureau of standard (UNBS) so that I may be in a position to supply my product across the country and even outside the neighboring countries like Kenya. Another thing, in two years’ time from now, I want to own my private business car having the label on it Ever best quality Enterprise that can enable me easily reach my customers with my products all over the country.

I thank Kyusa so much for the training that they have brought to help us the entrepreneurs who have been struggling with business and now we are in a better state in our business. Thanks so much and may God bless you.


Judith is a very determined businesswoman because after the training she did not remain only with odi business but also added on another business of selling samosa’s as she had the idea of doing it but she didn’t know how to begin it.

Kyusa is committed to supporting women like Judith at the grassroots to aspire to scale so they can better their lives and create more jobs for youth in their communities. When we empower businesses at the grassroots we foster economic development at the community and eventually the national level.