Ashiimwe Moreen is the owner of Momoz cake world and Momoz beauty accessories. She had just graduated when she heard about the Kyusa training. She was desperate to make a living so she could support her young siblings through school. The Kyusa training sounded exactly like what she needed after having searched for jobs in vain.

In her own word…
“When I heard about the business plus ICT skills training from our community leader Kabale district, I was overjoyed because I had just graduated from Kabale University with little hope of finding a well-paying job but she gave me a briefing about the ten business modules; I felt I needed to sit under that very teaching.
The reason I started my business is that I needed to take care of my young siblings who are still in school. The other reason was to see that I can meet the current pressure from the economy, where things are going high in price yet the money in supply is little. Having attained my bachelor’s degree in business administration, I wanted to put into practice what I had learnt in those three years.
My journey through my two businesses has not been a very smooth one but I thank God I was able to start another second business according to the topics that I had with my facilitator, I started it with ease and confidence because I was sure that when an individual starts a business within the area they are passionate about, there would be very fewer chances of failing. After mastering personal empowerment, I started the second business with the strength and skills to succeed. I worked on perfecting my business workplace skills and made my score go to 3/4 and therefore I have become stronger 💪
As a young entrepreneur and a female, I would like to thank Kyusa Uganda for having come to our communities to equip us with this knowledge. Having been empowered when I am young, I have tasted on my profit and I look forward to expanding my business because I see I am getting profit out of it and I look forward to employing multitudes in five years to come. I thank Kyusa Uganda for I can no longer beg for jobs and write an application for jobs one after the other because my eyes have been illuminated and I am earning more than the money that would be given to me as a monthly payment. I’m working on buying my self local ovens where I can expand and do cakes on a large scale and employ many. Thank you so much Kyusa Uganda.”
Like Moreen, many of the young women we train and support are responsible for fending for their families. The burden of responsibility sometimes pushes them to the wall and in desperation, some have fallen prey to early marriages and trafficking in search of greener pastures. When we empower young women like Moreen, not only do they become financially independent, but they also take the responsibility to nurture their young siblings to break the cycle of poverty and school dropouts.
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