Former school dropout turns to business for survival


This is Ivan Okwii. He was forced to leave school three years ago after his parents became unable to pay for his school fees. For Ivan, this situation became a door to venture into business. He took up the little saving he had set aside and decided to purchase a local grinding machine which he is now using to generate money. Ivan, along with 6 other colleagues have since then purchased 5more locally made grinding machines. After going through the KYUSA training, He and his colleagues decided to purchase an electrical grinding machine. In order to achieve this dream, they have set up a savings scheme where they will be collecting a monthly minimum of 20,000 individually. Ivan also hopes to one day begin a produce shop dealing in Gnuts.

In his own words…

In his own words, Ivan expresses his gratitude for the KYUSA program “What stood out for me in this training was the importance of having a vision for my business. This Idea had never come to mind before however today, with the skill I acquired, I was able to come up with a simple vision board highlighting both my business and personal goals. This board includes both my short-term and long-term goals and the steps I will follow to achieve them. I have also learnt so much about the business development model and I intend to incorporate in my business. The training also equipped us with skills on how to use online business. I do not have a smartphone yet but when I buy one, I will ensure to install the WhatsApp Business app and start marketing my business on WhatsApp and Facebook.”


We at Kyusa are proud of Ivan’s story and the opportunity to be a part of it. We believe that young people like Ivan are a source of inspiration to their peers in society and that with such ambition, we can build stronger communities where youth thrive.