Meet Mary Immaculate Nassali, the co-founder and managing director of Oasis Health services, located in Ssi Village, Buikwe district Uganda. They offer health services in rural communities especially to women and children. The lack of access to medical health care to women in low-resource settings was the motivation to set up the clinic. Oasis Health Services, offer antenatal services, pediatrics, general medicine and laboratory services among other health services.
“I joined the incubator program in order to get to know how to handle my business better, how best to handle our clients, and to figure out how best we can expand to our full potential, both as a person and as a business.” Said Mary
It’s amazing how many of us survive in business, without a clear vision and plan for our businesses. During the 8-week program, Mary was able to put her vision together in a coherent manner. The ability to actually conceptualize this journey of where the business is, and where it wants to go on a vision board, moves it from the head to actually owning it. It helps business owners strategize how to get where they envision the business in the short, medium and long term.
“The incubator program, helped me dream the possibilities of expansion. Oasis Health Services, has certainly made tangible strides since. I have been able to manage the day-to-day aspects of my business, I stock take and make reconciliations especially on the inventory of the drugs regularly. This was something I had been reluctant about before, however, today, we have reduced on the losses incurred from the management of drugs, thereby saving us money.”
The value of the customer, in terms of how well you know them, relate with them and handle them is something many start-ups neglect. Who is my customer? It’s so easy to think everyone is your customer, but never actually meeting their needs or serving them adequately enough to earn their loyalty.
“The incubator changed how I viewed both life and business, in a way that it enabled me to put all my scattered ideas, into one workable document which has helped me focus better. Today we have land where we hope for expansion into a fully fledged hospital.” Added Mary.
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